Introduction to BOM Creator Software
BOM Creator is an Add On tool for 3D CAD software which helps Design Engineers to upload BOMs for their respective SAP/ERP system

We understand the database of the SAP/ERP system, and customize a template in Excel or CSV or whatever suitable format which is acceptable to the system. Hence the Designers can generate a BOM directly from their 3D CAD software which can be now uploaded to their SAP/ERP system.
Level by Level BOM with complete material summary
We read the complete Design Tree, and understand the parent-child relationship of Assemblies, Sub-Assemblies, Parts, Hardware, Bought Out Items, Consumable items, etc. We create a detailed BOM with complete weight details of different grades of materials used in the machine. This further can help in project planning, purchasing & production activity much before the release of manufacturing drawings.
Reports based on Type
Identify and segregate the Manufacturing Parts, Hardware, Bought Items, etc. in any given machine and prepare individual reports for each type. This basically helps expedite the complete manufacturing.
Plan the execution of project based on Lead Time
Identifies and prepares reports based on the manufacturing & purchase lead time of the components in a given machine. This enables us to consider the items with higher manufacturing or purchase lead time first, items with average manufacturing & purchase lead time next & items with least manufacturing & purchase time last. Hence chances of project delays are eliminated.
Track Of Release of Drawings
We help designers to maintain a record of detail of the release of drawings to different departments of the organization. Like the date of release, the Number of times the drawing has been released & to the individual person, the drawing has been released. So now we needn’t release the same drawing to the same department multiple times.
Project Costing
Application/Costing Engineers consider all the cost parameters and calculate the complete project cost. This basically ensures we don’t miss any major cost components which may further affect our project budget.
Comparison Of Machines
We help organizations compare multiple projects at a time and identify the common & unique components. This further helps in the planning of manufacturing of all the common & similar parts in a single go & further help reduce material scrap.